Blake works for YOU at the State Capitol!

Committee membership is important, and certain committees are vital for your Senator to be on highly vital committees, such as Appropriations and Public Safety.  Blake serves on BOTH!

Blake is a member of:

Blake’s Legislative History – Working for YOU!

Session Measure SB Author SB Co-Author House Author House Co-Author  STATUS Title
2021 HB1001 X APPROVED BY GOV Agriculture; creating the Sergeant Craig Johnson Metal Theft Act
2021 HB1032 X APPROVED BY GOV Public health and saety; Home Bakery Act of 2013; home food establishments
2021-2022 HB1055 X LAID OVER Definitions and general provisions; designating the Colonial Spanish Mustang/Heritage Horse 
2021 HB1102 X APPROVED BY GOV Physician licensure; unprofession conduct; bortion
2021 HB1135 X APPROVED BY GOV Crimes and punishment; modifying trespassing offenses
2021 HB1236 X APPROVED BY GOV Attorney General; duties of Attorney General; State Reserved Powers Protection Unit; providing for review of Presidential executive orders and federal actions
2021-2022 HB1564 X RET TO GEN ORDER Landlord and tenant; delinquent rent; prohibiting discretion to extend terms of tenancy; authorizing late payment fee; providing for enforcemnt of act
2021 HB1569 X APPROVED BY GOV Schools; allowing instruction in early hildhood education to foster certain development and learning 
2021 HB1620 X APPROVED BY GOV Agriculture; prohibiting the banning of the right of Oklahomans to engage in agritourism; regulation
2021 HB1629 X REF TO PUBSAFE Firearms; directing courts and law enforcement agencies to protect certain rights of law-abiding citizens
2021 HB1630 X APPROVED BY GOV Firearm; moifying certain background check procedure
2021 HB1631 X APPROVED BY GOV Agriculture; modifying Nutrient Management Plan requirements
2021 HB1638 X APPROVED BY GOV Public health and safety; death certificates; personal data
2021 HB1674 X APPROVED BY GOV Crimes and punishment; rioting; making certain acts unlawful 
2021 HB1681 X REF TO APPROPS Title State Government; penalties for occupying a reserved space or failing to pay entrance rfees; creating the Oklahoma Tourism, Parks, and Recreation Enhancement Act; establishing annual state park passes
2021-2022 HB1768 X REFTO FINANCE Game fish; extending certain income tax checkoff
2021 HB1770 X APPROVED BY GOV Public safety; defining terms; providing certain exceptions for bicyclists at traffic-control devices
2021 HB1775 X APPROVED BY GOV Education; prohibiting certain training for students; prohibiting courses from including certain concept
2021 HB1821 X APPROVED BY GOV Higher education; Oklahoma Higher Education Tuition Aid Act; modifying process for awarding state tuiton aid grants
2021 HB2123 X APPROVED BY GOV Title inurance; creating the Patient’s Right to Pharmacy Choice Commission; powers and duties
2021 HB2124 X REF TO INSURANCE Professions and occupations; pharmacy benefits management licensure; modifying entity; levying of charges, fees, civil penalties or restitution;
2021 HB2214 X APPROVED BY GOV Game and fish; predator control devices; limitation on devices to certain time of year
2021 HB2223 X APPROVED BY GOV Schools; directing the State Department of Education to maintain the dyslexia handbook
2021 HB2335 X REF HEALTH Prevention and control of disease; prohibiting certain vaccination mandates and discrimination; creating exceptions; establishing immunity from liability for certain entities from certain actions
2021 HB2374 X APPROVED BY GOV State military forces; establishing a program to reimburse funeral expenses when a certain person dies in the line of duty; directing payment of funds from specified revolving fund
2021 HB2382 X APPROVED BY GOV Motor vehicles; defining term; providing for the inssuance of licens plates, decals and registration for certain vehicles
2021 HB2396 X APPROVED BY GOV Higher education; allowing certain nonprofit organizations to present sex trafficking and exploitation prevention nd education programs for students
2021 HB2441 X APPROVED BY GOV Abortion; prohibiting the performance of an abortion without first determining whether is is a detectable fetal heartbeat
2021 HB2645 X APPROVED BY GOV Firearms; unlawful carry in certain places; prohibiting carry on certain government property
2021 HB2648 X APPROVED BY GOV Officers; Oklahoma Religious Freedom Act; free exercise; place of worship; substantial burden 
2021 HB2687 X APPROVED BY GOV Hospitals; creating the No Patient Left Alone Act; poviding for certain visitation rights policies and safety protocols; prohibiting certain termination, suspensio or waiver of  visitation rights; prohiiting certai action against hospital
2021 HB2805 X APPROVED BY GOV Revenue and taxation; ad valorem tax exemption or livestock employed in support of the family;
2021 SB639 X APPROVED BY GOV Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; allowing program to include certain career technology programs
2021 SB1  X REF TO BUSCOM Oklahoma Scrap Metal Dealers Act; renaming act; modifying content, prohibitions and requirements
2021-2022 SB1000 X REF TO RULES Voter regristration; requiring emoval from certain registry and database within specified ime frame
2021 SB106 X APPROVED BY GOV Firearms unlawful intent; modifying penalties; modifying revocation pnalty for certain unlawful act; eliminating grace period for license renewals; excluding fingerprint search requirement
2021 SB186 X REF TO PUBSAFE Firearms; restoring certain rights to carry
2021 SB2 X ENG TO SENATE Student athletics; creating the Save Women’s Sports Act; requiring certain athletic teams to be designated based on biological sex 
2021 SB21 X APPROVED BY GOV Schools; requiring rather than allowing boards of education to adopt policies regarding suicide awareness training
2021 SB229 X APPROVED BY GOV Title School Funding; creating the Redbud School Funding Act; marjuana retail sales; funding for redbud school grants; funding; charter schools; State aid 
2021 SB267 X APPROVED BY GOV Teacher retirement; authorizing retired members to return with no earnings limitations for certain period
2021 SB270 X APPROVED BY GOV Professions and occupations; modifying the Oklahoma Veterinary Practice Act; modifying certain definitions, power and reciprocity of license
2021 SB272 X APPROVED BY GOV Wireless telecommunications carriers; creating the Kelsey Smith Act; requiringh carriers to provide call location information under certain emergency circumstances
2021 SB3 X APPROVED BY GOV Mental health transport services by law enforcement; amending certain responsibility
2021 SB302 X APPROVED BY GOV Athletics; visting high school athletic teams certain rights
2021 SB368 X APPROVED BY GOV Oklahoma Religious Freedom Act; prohibiting governmental declaration of religious institution as nonessential; prohibiting certain closures
2021 SB401 X REF TO APPROPS Income; tax adjustments; exemptimg military retirement benefits from tax
2021 SB422 X APPROVED BY GOV Revenue and taxation; agricultural sales tax exemptions; requiring Tax Commission certain proof of exemption
2021 SB531 X REF TO TRANSP Motor vehicles; exempting certain vehicles
2021 SB541 X FAILED Emergency Mgmt; prohibiting closing business; providing exception
2021 SB544 X REF TO AGRI Sales of farmed products; reating the Right to Commerce Act; providing for the sale of eggs and milk direct to customers
2021 SB584 X APPROVED BY GOV Abortion; Defunding Fetal-Body-Parts Trafficking Act; prohibiting certain use of state funds or funds of political subdivision
2021 SB612 X REF TO PUBHEALTH Abortion; prohibiting performance of or attempt to perform abortion except under certain condition; providing penalties and affirmative defense
2021 SB631 X APPROVED BY GOV Infringement of Second Ammendement rights; creating the Second Amendment Sanctuary State Act; considering certain action as infringing on the right to keep and bear arms; directing courts and lawenforcement agenciesto protect certain rights
2021 SB644 X CCR READ Firearms; authorizing municipalities to allow for the carry of firearms by officials or employees for personal protection; exemption from liability; prohibited locations
2021 SB658 X APPROVED BY GOV Schools; requiring provision of certain information to parents; prohibiting certain entities from implementing specified requirements; establishing criteria for implementation of mask mandate
2021-2022 SB766 X REF TO GENGOV County hearings and meetings; modifying ertain terms for public notice
2021 SB770 X APPROVED BY GOV Wildlife Diversity tax check-off; extending reauthorization date
2021-2022 SB771 X TITLE STRICKEN Ad valorem tax; creating the Tax Collection Modernization Act; allowing for the modification of payment installments
2021 SB775 X APPROVED BY GOV Livestock; authorizing the Oklahoma Dept of Ag, Food and Forestry to create Livestock Offender Registry
2021 SB778 X APPROVED BY GOV Abortion; creating the Oklahoma Abortion Inducing Drug Risk Protocol Act 
2021 SB779 X APPROVED BY GOV Abortion; creating the Oklahoma Abortion Inducing Drug Certification Program Act; providing requirements for manfacturers and distributors; reporting
2021 SB807 X APPROVED BY GOV School support employees; directing support employees be entitled to pay for certain lost time.
2021 SB810 X REF TO FINANCE Volunteer firefighers; offering income tax for certain hours of service; providing limit
2021 SB821 X VETOED Patient’s Right to Pharmacy Choice Act; modifying certain contract restrictions; modifying monitoring requirements of certain insurers
2021 SB831 X REF TO HEALTH  Preventio and control of disease; prohibiting entering or sharing of immunization records or other data without informed consent.
2021 SB834 X REF TO COMUNCIPAL Cities and towns; authorizing cities and towns to pain blue lines nd post signage in support of law enforcement 
2021 SB835 X REF TO JUDICIARY Discrimination; prohibiting certain discrimination by public accommodation on basis of vaccination or immunity status
2021-2022 SB843 X REF TO GENGOV Daylight savings time; establishing daylight saving time as standard time in Oklahoma 
2021 SB918 X APPROVED BY GOV Abortion; repealing certain laws relating to abortion upon certain certification by Attorney General
2021 SB925 X HA’S READ Firearms; providing for the efensive display of firearms under certain circumstances; exception; examples
2022 HB1067 X APPROVED BY GOV Veterans; creating the Dignity in Burial Act directing the Department of Veterans Affairs to establish a program to ensure dignified burial for certain veterans
2022 HB1682 X APPROVED BY GOV Ad valorem taxation; livestock employed in support of the family
2022 HB1933 X APPROVED BY GOV Labor; unemployment benefits; modifying benefit wages; duration
2022 HB2179 X APPROVED BY GOV Medical marijuana; licensening requirements for medical marijuana dispensaries; commercial growers; and processors fees.
2022 HB2487 X APPROVED BY GOV Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Pension Legislation Actuarial Analysis Act; Firefighters pension and retirement system; definition; requirements; benefits; plans; volunteer pension
2022 HB2649 X APPROVED BY GOV Durale medical equipment; Oklahoma Durable Equipment Licensing Act; licensing; State Board of Pharmacy
2022 HB3088 X APPROVED BY GOV Revenue and Taxation; income tax credit; adoption expense
2022 HB3124 X APPROVED BY GOV J.M. Davis Memorial; allowing the J.M Memorial Commission to enter into certain contracts; donation of funds; sale of property
2022 HB3144 X CCR READ Firearms; defining terms; prohibiting governmental entities from contracting with the companies unless contracts contain certain written verification
2022 HB3168 X APPROVED BY GOV Telephone solicitation; creating the Telephone Soliciatation Act of 2022; prhibition of certain sales calls; action for relief
2022 HB3231 X REF TO HEALTH  State Department of Health; county health department; department names
2022 HB3261 X APPROVED BY GOV Definitions and general provision designating the American Quarter Horse as the state horse of Oklahoma
2022 HB3267 X SA’S REC  Guardianships; definitions; transportation of ward; conditions; restriction; effective date
2022 HB3382 X APPROVED BY GOV Waters and water rights; subjecting certain violations to administrative penalties; setting maximum penalty
2022 HB3429 X APPROVED BY GOV Crimes and punishments; authorizing the electronic transmission of certain information; effective date
2022 HB3564 X APPROVED BY GOV Teachers; creating the Oklahoma Future Teachr Scholarship and Employment Incentive Program
2022 HB4099 X APPROVED BY GOV Public finance; issuance of certain net amount of obligations by Oklahoma Capitol Improvement Authority; projects; Oklahoma Historical Society
2022 HB4327 X APPROVED BY GOV Abortion; prohibiting performance of abortion except under certain conditions requiring test to meet specified criteria; physician records; civil action; prohibiting certain transfer of venue
2022 HB4412 X FILED WITH SEC STATE Natural resources; creating the Healthy Soil Program Act; defining terms; requiring Oklahoma Conservation Commission administer program
2022 SB1092 X REF TO GENGOV State Capitol building flag flying program
2022 SB1100 X APPROVED BY GOV Vital records; limiting biological sex designation on certificate of birth to male or female; prohibiting nonbinary designation
2022 SB1110 X REF TO AGRI Meat inspections; authorizing the Oklahoma Deartmnt of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry to fund universities’ and colleges’ research methods of remote viewing or other digital inspection 
2022 SB1114 X REF TO PUBSAFE Firearms; authorizing c3ertain lawfuol possession to qualify for the Gun-Free School Zones Act
2022 SB1128 X REF TO BUSCOM Conditions of employment; prohibiting certain vaccinations and medications as a condition of continued 
2022 SB1139 X REF TO COMEDU Teacher pay; creating a task force to stdy and mke recommendations on certain pay or teachers
2022 SB1157 X REF TO BUSCOM Unemployment benefits; providing exclusion from emloyment misconduct
2022 SB1387 X APPROVED BY GOV Motor vehicles; creating the diabetes awareness license plate revolving fund; creating various special license plates
2022 SB1466 X APPROVED BY GOV Crimes and Punishments; relating to the raising of flgs over tax-supported property; adding an exception
2022 SB1544 X REF TO COMEDU Schools; prohibiting certain schools from knowingly entering into a transaction with certain individual or entity
2022 SB1567 X APPROVED BY GOV State government; modifying state use committee; clarifying responsibility
2022 SB1571 X APPROVED BY GOV Hunting; allowing airbow for hunting during certain seasons; requiring stamp from Oklahoma Wildlife Conversation Commission 
2022 SB1585 X HA’S READ Water and water rights; prohibiting the Water Resources Board from approving or permitting the construction of dams on Glover River
2022 SB1633 X REF TO PUBHEALTH Pharmacy benefits managers; prohibiting pharmacy benefits managers from certain actions; requiring certain reports be created
2022 SB1635 X REF TO PUBHEALTH Pharmacy benefits managers; prohibiting pharmacy benefits managers from certain actions; requiring certain reports be created
2022 SB1636 X REF TO RULES State emblems; designating th American Quarter Horse
2022 SB1670 X APPROVED BY GOV Sales tax exemption; providing exemption to widow of a military member who died in combat
2022 SB1686 X REF TO FINANCE Adoption expenses; providing credit for adoption related expenses; eliminating income tax deduction 
2022 SB1696 X APPROVED BY GOV Hunting and Fishing; allowing for certain license expiration 
2022 SB1719 X REF TO APPROPS Viticulture; Oklahoma viticulture and enology center development revolving fund; removing certain program
2022 SB1726 X APPROVED BY GOV Medical Marijuana; modifying definition; removing exception from regulatory zoning laws; providing reference
2022 SB1729 X REF TO BUSCOM Unemployment benefits; providing date for retroactive eligibility to claimants
2022 SB1734 X FIRST READING Bag limits; establishing certain combined season limit
2022 SB1737 X APPROVED BY GOV Medical marijuana; requiring all medical marijuana commercial grower licensees to register as an envionmentall sensitive crop owner; requiring commercial grower to display certain signage
2022 SB1779 X REF TO ALCTOBAC Medical marijuana; requiring a medical marijuana business license holder to post signage on premises with license and telephone number
2022 SB1783 X REF TO JUDICIARY Child custody; excusing placement with certain relative;  providing presumption for best interest of child
2022 SB1809 X APPROVED BY GOV Wildlife; permits to control nuisance wildlife; written permission; headlighting; prohibiting nuisance control at night for persons convicted within certain period
2022 SB1822 X FAILED Public finance; requiring signage be placed on certain projects funded by the Joint Committee on Pandemic Relif Funding
2022 SB1860 X APPROVED BY GOV Patient’s Right to Pharmacy Choice Act; expanding retail pharmacy network access standards; prohibiting pharmacy benefits managers from requiring patient use affiliated pharmacy; expanding pharmacy network
2022 SB6 X APPROVED BY GOV Crimes and punishments; creating the Sergeant Craig Jonson Act; definition of accessories 
2022 SB615 X HA’S READ Schools; requiring restrooms or changing areas to be used by individuals based on their sex; requiring certain accomodation 
2022 SB765 X REF TO BUSCOM Vaccinations and immunizations; providing exemption form by use by employees to refuse to disclose vaccination status to employers
2022 SB942 X APPROVED BY GOV Motor vehicles; modifing equirements for certain driver license
2023 HB1789 X APPROVED BY GOV Firearms; authorizing the lawful carry of firearms by certain persons
2023 HB1843 X VETO OVERRIDE Pharmacy benefit managers; compliance review; investigative powers; violations, penalties, and hearings; Attorney General 
2023 HB1935 X DIED IN CONF Students; creating the Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act; creating incoming income tax credit for certain taxpayers; emergency.  
2023 HB1962 X APPROVED BY GOV Driver Licenses; deleting certain special permit; allowing individuals of a certain age to make application for a farm permit 
2023 HB1976 X MOTION EXPIRED Department of Public Safety; authorizing the Commissioner to make certain assignments to personnel; authorizing certain employees to carry firearms; information 
2023 HB2009 X REF TO EDU Schools; class size limitations; modifying certain class size limits; providing stipend for certain teachers; effective date; emergency 
2023 HB2061 X REF TO APPROPS Medical marijuana law enforcement; making appropriation to the County Sheriff Public Safety Grant Revolving Fund; amount; purpose
2023 HB2136 X REF TO PUBSAFE Crimes and punishments; authorizing the carry of firearms into certain city or town buildings 
2023 HB2182 X APPROVED BY GOV Public health and safety; repealer; prevention and control of disease; effective date
2023 HB2239  X APPROVED BY GOV Water preservation creating the Terry Peach North Canadian Watershed Restoration Act; defining terms; creating certain pilot program; repealer; 
2023 HB2424 X APPROVED BY GOV Opioid antagonists; prescription of opiod antagonists to family members; replacing naloxone with opioid antagonist; sale of naloxone; removing naloxone and replacing it with opiod antagonist 
2023 HB2425 X APPROVED BY GOV Professions and occupations; Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission; requiring amendments to code be sent to Commission 
2023 HB2535 X REF TO PUBSAFE Materials harmful to minors; modifying penalties; effective 
2023 HB2596 X REF TO CRIMJUST Tourism and recreation Department; park ranger jurisdiction
2023 HB2672 X SENT TO GOVERNOR Schools; making an appropriation to the State Board of Education; establishing minimum salary schedule; providing certain stipends; modifying the State Aid funding formula
2023 HB2684 X APPROVED BY GOV Motor vehicles; modifying name of section; modifying actions a driver shall take upon approach of certain vehicles; making certain acts unlawful 
2023 HB2775 X DIED IN CONF Schools; makingan appropriation to the State Board of Education; establishing minimum salary schedule; modifying State Aid weights 
2023 HB2852 X TITLE STRICKEN Fuel theft deterrence; creating the Bulk Fuel Transportation and Inspection Act; creating the Fuel Pump Security Act; codification 
2023 HB2903 X APPROVED BY GOV School security; creating a pilot program known as the School Resource Officer Program; Directing State Board of Education to administer; training ; creating the School Security Revolving Fund; expenditures
2023 SB7 X ENG TO HOUSE State government; establishing year-round daylight savings time.
2023 SB15 X REF TO GENGOV Firearms; prohibiting certain contracts requiring written verification 
2023 SB364 X REF TO AP-EDU School employees;entitling certain employees to certain amount of paid maternity leave
2023 SB432 X REF TO AERO Motor vehicles; allowing Department of Public Safety to create intrastate commercial license
2023 SB476 X REF TO PUBSAFE Firearms; modifying certain allowable carry; restoring certain rights to carry; prohibiting certain carry for certain persons; removing certain revocation 
2023 SB480 X REF TO PUBSAFE Crime and punishment; making certain action unlawful; providing penalty; defining term
2023 SB492 X CCR READ Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry; creating the Wildfire Reimbursement Revolving Fund 
2023 SB506 X REF TO AGRI Meat and poultry inspections; authorizing the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry to review methods of remote viewing or other digital inspection
2023 SB575 X APPROVED BY GOV Professions and occupations; creating the Janet Phillips Act of 2023; enacting the Counseling Compact and authorizing the Governor to enter into compact with certain jurisdictions
2023 SB613 X APPROVED BY GOV Health care; prohibting gender transition procedures for children; authorizing certain civil actions and relief; licensure; adding violations and penalties 
2023 SB628 X REF TO BUS Conditions of employment; prohibiting certain vaccinations and medications as a condition of continued 
2023 SB706 X APPROVED BY GOV Oklahoma Children’s Code; modifying requirements for certain hearing; repealing right to jury trial in certain proceedings 
2023 SB720  X REF TO PUBSAFE Firearms; disallowing regulation for certain firearm suppressors; providing for qualifications; requiring certain descriptor; defining terms 
2023 SB727 X REF TO PUBSAFE Public buildings and public works; raising purchasing limit for certain department under certain cirumstances 
2023 SB733 X REF TO PUBSAFE Firearms; removing refernces to federally owned buildings and properties; authorizing municipalities to allow concealed carry; providing eligibility requirements 
2023 SB747 X APPROVED BY GOV Income tax credit; increasing volunteer firefighter tax credit for certain tax years 
2023 SB910 X CR DNP WILD Wildlife; authorizing velvet buck session 
2023 SB917 X REF TO TOURWILD Hunting licenses; increasing nonresident license fees. 
2023 SB926 X REC CR DP AP-EDU Teachers; modifying amount of credit school districts may grant for certain service in the minimum salary schedule 
2023 SB949 X REF TO GENGOV Cities and counties; alloing national motto in all public buildings
2023 SB959 X REF TO BUS Medical marijuana; allowing the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority to employ full-time, on-site inspectors at laboratories 
2023 HB1590 X APPROVED BY GOV Public Safety; Haiden Fleming Memorial Act; requiring Oklahoma 9-1-1 Management Authority to maintain certain training platform; requiring creating, maintenance
2024 SB1005 X REF TO AGRI Animal health and public health; creating the Oklahoma State University Veterinary Medicine Authority Act; defining terms; expressing legislative findings 
2024 SB1045 X REF TO AGRI The sales of farmed products; creating the Right to Commerce Act; providing for th sale of eggs and milk directly to consumers 
2024 SB1070 X REF TO PUBSAFE Motor vehicle disability placard; requiring Service Oklahoma to issue certain temporary placards; requiring certain expiration; requiring a certain fee 
2024 SB1119 X APPROVED BY GOV Schools; establishing minimum salary schedule; directing persons employed in certain capacities to receive salary increase 
2024 SB1120 X APPROVED BY GOV State Board of Education; requiring certain determination; providing procedure; providing limitation; and removing certain apportionments 
2024 SB1144 X REF TO JOINT Appropriations; making an appropriation to the Oklahoma State University Medical Authority
2024 SB1200 X APPROVED BY GOV Daylight saving time; enabling Oklahoma to adopt daylight saving time as the year-round time 
2024 SB1215 X APPROVED BY GOV Sales tax; eliminating certain deadline for qualification fo veterans sales tax exemption 
2024 SB1275 X REF TO TOURWILD State parks; providing for legilative approval for certain property decision 
2024 SB1280 X APPROVED BY GOV Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; modifying elements of certain felony offenses 
2024 SB1336 X REF TO APPR Wildlife; creatingthe Oklahoma Boatin Access Revolving Fund; authorizing the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission to fund certain projects
2024 SB1427 X REF TO AP-PSFTY Department of Corrections; creating revolving fund; making appropriation 
2024 SB1429 X SENT TO GOVERNOR Ports; redesignating certain fund; granting certin authority to the Department of Transportation for use of fund; appropriating certain monies
2024 SB1520 X CCR READ Teachers’ Retirement System; modifying earning limitations for certain retirees returning to work in a classroom setting 
2024 SB1521 X APPROVED BY GOV Schools; modifying the School Resource Office Program to allow the employment of certain individuals
2024 SB1524 X APPROVED BY GOV Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; establishing provisions for return to service in a volunteer firefighter capacity 
2024 SB1527 X APPROVED BY GOV Schools providing for excused absense of students receiving certain therapy or other services related to certin program 
2024 SB1746 X REF TO TOURWILD Fish and wildlife; allowing for year-round hunting of squirrels 
2024 SB1766 X SENT TO GOVERNOR Commercial driver training schools; changing age requirement for driver education; allowing farm permit holders to take driver education; changing certain four-year license for commercial driver training schools 
2024 SB1792 X REF TO APPROPS Transportation; directing Department of Transportation to erect signage and maintain online resources for the True Grit Trail 
2024 SB1909 X APPROVED BY GOV Motor vehicles; modifying benefited organization for Monarch Butterfly License Place creating the Broken Arrow Schools License Plate
2024 SB1936 X TITLE STRICKEN Firearms; authorizing carry by certain elected officials 
2024 SB198 X REF TO AERO Memorial bridges; designating the SP4 Donald P. Sloat Medal of Honor Recipient Memorial Highway 
2024 SB2009 X REF TO PUBSAFE Firearms; oproviding certain authorization to public trust hospital employees
2024 SB2035 X APPROVED BY GOV License plates; modifying procedures for registration and temporary license plate upon vehicle transfer
2024 SB1824 X REF TO GENGOV Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; Oklahoma Polic Pension and Retirement System; Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System; Death benefit amounts 
2024 HB3016 X REF TO HEALTH  Mental health; Department of Mental Healh and Substance Abuse Services; limiting authority
2024 HB3065 X REF TO PUBSAFE Motor vehicles; modiying types of vehicles requiring certain approah; modifying name of offense 
2024 HB3072 X REF TO PUBSAFE Motor vehicles; modifying actions  driver shall tak upon approach of certain vehicles
2024 HB3085 X APPROVED BY GOV Fireworks; prohibition of certain fireworks; explosive devices; certain exception for sale and use of skyrockets with sticks
2024 HB3573 X REF TO RETIRE Cancer Screening; Fighting Chance for Firefighters Act; insurance coverage; member
2024 HB3749 X TITLE STRICKEN Prisons and reformatories; creating the Oklahoma Department of Corrections Prison Rodeo Revolving Fund; making an appropriation 
2024 HB4063 X REF TO GENGOV Counties and county officers; sheriff’s offices; Oklahoma Sheriff’s Office Salary Assistance Grant Program Act; Oklahoma Sheriff’s Office Salary Assistance Revolving Fund
2024 HB2946 X REF TO JUDICIARY Crimes nd punishments; creating Lauria and Ashley’s Law; adding criminal offense to list of crimes
2024 HB3056 X REF TO PUBSAFE Firearms; possession of firearms on school property; authorizing transport and storage 
2024 HB3671 X APPROVED BY GOV Motor vehicles; authorizing Service Oklahoma to allow individuals to make certain voluntary designation; credentials; 
2024 HB3727 X APPROVED BY GOV Schools; requiring students in the 3rd – 5th grades to receive instruction in cursive handwiriting
2023-2024 SB129 X TITLE STRICKEN Health care; prohibiting certain use of public funds, public facilities, and public employees
2023-2024 SB141 X CCR SUBMITTED State government; establishing provisions for State Capitol Preservation
2023-2024 SB212 X APPROVED BY GOV Property; prohibiting certain ownership of land through business entity or trust; requiring affidavid with recording of deed
2023-2024 SB259 X REF TO AERO Motor vehicles; designating the Tulsa Icon License Plate
2023-2024 SB277 X REF TO PUBSAFE Firearms; modifying term; removing certain qualifiers; clarifying language; declaring certain individual as individually licensed and verified as it relates to the federal Gun-Free School Zones Act
2023-2024 SB453 X SENT TO GOVERNOR Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; increasing monthly benefit for volunteer firefighters; modifying compensation determination 
2023-2024 SB482 X SC NAMED Schools; establishing minimum salary schedule for teachers; years of experience 
2023-2024 SB859 X APPROVED BY GOV Larceny of a firearm; modifying penalties for larceny of a firearm 
2023-2024 SB922 X VETOED BY SENATE – SENT TO HOUSE Fish ad wildlife; requiring a certain number of tags to be issued to Oklahoma residents 
2023-2024 SB941 X APPROVED BY GOV Fish and wildlife; updating fishing and untng licenses
2023-2024 SB991 X APPROVED BY GOV Schools; directing the Oklahoma Department o Career and Technology Education to determine grade levels that ay be offered agricultural education 
2023-2024 HB1955 X APPROVED BY GOV Revenue and taxation; sales tax; groceries; definitions; zero rate; local sales tax
2023-2024 HB2353 X TITLE STRICKEN Game and fish;  seasons and rules; Commission authority
2023-2024 HB2643 X SA’S REC  Firearms; making certain action unlawful; providing certain exemptions; prohibiting certain denial 
2024 HB3693 x BECOMES LAW W/O GOV SIG  Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission; modifying appointment of members of the Commission; providing for appointing procedure if there is a vacancy; prohibiting the Commission from expending certain funds when other funds are available; and providing an effective date