NEGATIVE. Get the facts here:

FALSE: Cowboy supported Faucci’s mask and vaccine mandates.

o TRUTH: Cowboy is a man for the people. He authored SB1128 (Employee Liberty Freedom Act) that protected anyone from being terminated from their job for not taking the covid vaccine. Fought back against Faucci.

Bill Information for SB 1128

o TRUTH: Cowboy authored SB835 in 2021 that protected anyone from being discriminated against for not taking the covid vaccine. Fought back against vaccine passports.

Bill Information for SB 835

o TRUTH: Cowboy co-authored and voted for the largest tax cut in state history, eliminating the State Grocery Tax.

Bill Information for HB 1955

FALSE: Cowboy voted repeatedly against parental rights.

o TRUTH: Cowboy co-authored the bill to ban critical race theory in the classroom, empowering parents in their child’s education. SB 1775

Bill Information for HB 1775 Co authored bill to ban Critical Race Theory

Bill Information for SB 613 Co authored bill opposing Transgender Surgery

o TRUTH: Cowboy supports Education Reform:

Bill Information for HB 1425

FALSE: Cowboy supported loosening restrictions on illegal immigrants.

o TRUTH: Cowboy co authored HB 4156 and opposed benefits for illegal immigrants and has voted multiple times to oppose driver’s licenses for illegals.

Bill Information for HB 4156

Senate Votes

FALSE: Cowboy sided with liberal teacher’s unions, organized & led the teacher walkout.